Composer - Musician - Playwright

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So I figured that if I am to be just posting music, I should make some excuses on why they are terrible (just kidding, explain their background is what I mean).  So here we go:

-Toccata in C Minor:

No it does not have a fugue or a prelude to go with it, it is a stand alone piece (for now, working on the fugue).  To it's credit, it is the oldest piece posted, written at least a year ago, back when I began taking composing seriously.  It is repetitive, and it does not modulate (you'll find that I'm famous for failing to modulate during a piece, and everything seems monotonic) but to my excuse I did not comprehend modulation too well when I wrote it.  It often repeats the same C Minor triad, and I know it's repetitive.  But I like it, and I keep it for educational purposes, and because I just like it.  I am currently revising it (probably try to add modulation) and like I said, writing the fugue and prelude.

-A Madman's Overture:

Now this was an interesting piece.....I wrote this (or started it) at about eleven at night when I was feeling a little insane, and decided to give my go at a crazy organ piece that fit no form whatsoever.  I accomplished that.  The key changes are abrupt and the fingerings are strange, but I love it.  I absolutely think it is mad and I love it.  I left it unfinished for a long while, but I have (just a couple of months ago) written the ending. 

-Invention No. 1:

Not much to say about this one, except it was an exercise in writing Baroque music.  However, as you may note, there are parts I wrote unisono whereas strict Baroque form dictates that the whole piece in supposed to be polyphonic.....I really don't care and I don't think I'll change it.  It's my invention, and I added my own flare and style, and I love unisono transitions, so yeah...there.  Not a strict Baroque structure, but relatively so, and styled like one.  Anywho, fun little piece I wrote in fifteen minutes.

-The Fight of Antemaldo:

This started out as being called "The Battle Quartet" as it is for four instruments, but they do not form a string quartet (as I used violin, viola, cello, and contrabass, rather than the standard quartet).  I wrote it for a competition in New York (NYAE Composition Competition) and had a quartet all ready to go for the recording, but I moved.  So I decided to use it for something, and thought of an idea for an opera, "Antemaldo".  This piece seemed to fit the idea I had in mind for the grand fight scene between Antemaldo, the protagonist, and his counter, Count Vilacio, the antagonist.  However, this is the only thing I accomplished from trying to write this opera, was an edited version of the competition piece with a new name.  It is much better however, the name is better too, and it is now written for eight instruments (two of every one I listed) so basically a string orchestra.  I am in the process of trying to write in brass and percussion for it, to make it a full orchestra piece.  Oh, and as the piece goes, listen to the battle, to see when they meet, who is winning when, and who wins (It's sadly Count Vilacio, Antemaldo is slain).

-Organ Exercise No. 1:

Not much to say.  I don't know anything about this piece.  I sat down and decided that I wanted to write some organ "exercises" persay, very short pieces that had fast fingerings to warm up the musicians hands, but were also enjoyable to play.....and this kind of exploded from my head (it took like fifteen minutes to write).  And I don't have an inspiration, it just kind of wrote itself.  Enjoy.

-Organ Exercise No. 2:

Kind of the same as above, took about fifteen, maybe twenty minutes to write, and it pretty much wrote itself.  As you can tell, I like writing for the organ, it's one of my favorite instruments, and out of all of my organ pieces, this is my favorite melody/theme.  You may be able to tell this by the fact that I overuse it way too much, and don't variate enough from it, however, I DO MODULATE!!!!  Which to me, is a success.  I've had people tell me that I should add variation and exploration to it and turn it into a full piece, I just might do that.  We'll see.

And that's all for now folks, thanks for listening.

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